Healthcare 管理 Career Opportunities
- Healthcare Administrator
- Records and Information Technician
- Healthcare Supervisor
- Medical Office Manager
- 护理 首页 Facilitator
- Clinical Director
- Physician Practice Manager
- Manager of Public Health Information
- Corporate Health Coordinator
- Hospital Administrator
- Medical Staff Director
- Ambulatory Care Director
- Patient Advocate
Get a Healthcare Administration Degree 在线. Be Positioned for A Career in the Business Side of Healthcare.
Healthcare needs more than doctors, 护士, 其他直接为病人提供护理的人也需要管理专业人员来帮助确保资源和工具的可用性,使临床医生能够照顾病人. 当您获得俄克拉荷马城中美基督教大学(MACU)的医疗管理和伦理学在线工商管理学士学位时, 俄克拉荷马州., 您将准备使用道德的方法来影响医院和其他医疗机构的运作. 您还将在医疗保健行业获得各种奖励和安全的职位. 医疗卫生服务管理人员的就业预计将达到 grow 32 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.
澳门大学获中北部学院及学校协会高等教育委员会(HLC)认可。. 我们提供了一个以基督为中心的教育,所以你会脱颖而出,以信仰和圣经原则为基础的医疗管理学士学位.
我们的在线医疗保健管理学士课程:基于信仰 & 前沿
我们的国家的最先进的课程提供的原则和管理在医疗机构的日常管理应用的理解, including hospitals, group medical practices, 养老院, and other medical facilities. 该计划为学生在医疗保健管理行业的入门级职位做好准备,通过在脑海中创造能力的课程. In addition to focusing on applicable knowledge, 在线医疗管理学位也强调了道德在医疗管理中的重要性.
您将菲律宾十大网赌网站与医疗保健管理相关的专业主题, such as HR management and development, legal and 监管 issues, 金融, information management, 技术, and operations management. Because the world of healthcare is constantly changing and improving, 课程材料不断更新,以保持当前的趋势,在医疗保健管理.
Program Information
An a provider of online learning since 2008, MACU understands that adult learners are looking for an affordable, 加速, flexible program that offers plenty of support. 澳门大学的教授们对在线教学充满热情,并尽最大努力帮助你建立网络, develop relationships with your classmates, and make you feel like a part of the MACU community. 我们有一个小的师生比例,所以你会了解你的教授,你不会觉得自己是一个数字. 尽管医疗管理学位是完全在线提供的, 根据学生的兴趣和教师的可用性,可以在校园提供选择课程.
We’re here to help you on your quest for higher education, whether you’re starting college for the first time, advancing your career or making a mid-career change. 你会喜欢这种菲律宾十大网赌网站时间和地点的灵活性, especially if you’re currently working or have family commitments. 我们也帮助你尽快完成你的学位,并提供经济援助和其他激励措施,以降低成本.
Here are some of the benefits MACU offers online students:
- Up to 30 credits for life experiences (ministry, on-the-job learning, volunteering, etc.)
- Veteran and active 军事 personnel are eligible for credits earned in the service
- Minimal up-front fees, free placement testing
- Well-established orientation program
- One course at a time, in consecutive order
- Consistent career networking opportunities
- Seamless pathway to licensure (if applicable)
- 全面的学生支持服务,帮助你成功和茁壮成长
当你准备在澳门大学开始你的学位时,我们的菲律宾十大网赌网站顾问随时准备为你提供帮助. Please take a look at this downloadable degree sheet, 介绍澳门大学的医疗管理和道德学位课程. Don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing [email protected] 或者打电话 888-888-2341 if you have any questions.
MACU Helps 在线 Students Grow in Faith
我们相信,培养仆人式领导者与培养行业领导者同样重要. 基督教价值观和圣经原则是澳门大学每个学位课程的一部分, whether online or on campus. 我们为学生提供在个人生活和职业中精神成长的机会. 澳门大学的毕业生是正直的人,他们以神的话语的智慧为指导.
Request 更多的 Information
BUAD 3403
Business Finance
财务原则和功能与应用到商业组织, including investment, dividend decision, 并介绍了用于财务分析的模型和工具. Offered every fall semester
HC 3203
Introduction to Healthcare 管理
医疗机构管理五部分的研究——计划, 组织, 人员配备, 领先的, 以及控制/评估——研究适用于非营利组织和营利性组织的原则.
HC 3213
Fundamentals of Medical Practice 管理
This course will introduce students to the terminology, 当前的问题, and changing role of management in the medical practice. Consideration will be given to the legal, 道德, 监管, 技术, 实用, and inter-relational aspects of healthcare business management, so that the student may gain a better understanding of the language, 规划, 以及成功组织和管理医疗实践所必需的分析技能.
HC 3313
Healthcare Human Resource 管理
This course reviews the management of human resources, with particular focus on healthcare services environments. It is designed to provide an understanding of the key concepts, principles and practices of Human Resource 管理. Topics include recruitment, selection and retention practices, performance evaluation, employee evaluation, employee training and development, compensation and benefit issues, 促销活动, job design and 分析, legal issues affecting the healthcare workplace, 当代医疗保健服务机构的管理/劳动关系和工作场所安全. Trends in human resource management in healthcare are also addressed.
HC 3503
Legal Aspects of Healthcare 管理
本课程旨在概述医疗保健行业的许多方面的一般法律规则和概念. 本课程的主要重点将是法律,因为它涉及到在医院提供医疗保健, 养老院, medical offices and other medical care environments. 本课程将分析与现代侵权法相关的概念,因为它适用于医疗保健,还将审查影响医疗保健的其他法律领域,包括合同, 刑法, 就业法, and other laws governing business organizations.
HC 4103
Healthcare Economics
Course provides an overview of healthcare markets. Topics reviewed include supply and demand of medical care, economic tools for healthcare institutions, the impact of government on the healthcare market, industry market studies, and healthcare reform.
HC 4203
Healthcare Operations 管理
课程侧重于医疗保健服务系统的组织结构和管理流程,包括生产力和质量改进, 规划, problem solving, decision making, 市场营销, human resources management, 和咨询.
HC 4303
Healthcare Information Systems
计算机和通信技术在分析中的应用, 预测, 规划, and healthcare management functions.
Applied Business 管理
这门三学时的课程介绍了管理学的原理. The emphasis is on understanding organizational theory, human relations, interpersonal communications, 生产, business ethics, and the development of management thought.
Accounting for Managers
The acquisition, 分析, 财务信息的报告对个人经理和组织都很重要. 课程将特别关注实践管理人员的计划和控制责任. 个人应该对自己解释和使用财务信息进行有效决策的能力有信心.